Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A New Beginning, CQI edition

Hello, old friends;

New purpose on this blog: To discuss 30,000 foot, big picture issues as Executive Director of Imagine SLS with our community of clients, staff, families, colleagues and, of course, my old friends from this blog if you return.  The main difference will be: more focus on things as Imagine experiences them and less focus on controversial political issues.  A secondary difference will be more aggressive deleting of comments which seem antagonistic.  A little less beerhall and more tea salon.

That said, the purpose of this blog will be to explain what passes through what passes for a mind in the Executive Director of imagine and to solicit input.  No individual client issues will be discussed, obviously, nor matters with individual staff and in that sense the focus will be what it has been: How Imagine and other agencies can better perform for the people we serve and the communities those people share.

The first series will be about some of the thinking behind our all-staff training in May.  Interested staff can walk into that meeting with extra awareness of the substance of the training and having helped to shape it.


Anonymous said...

“A little less beer hall and more tea salon.”

Whoa!!! Can we at least move to wine before getting crazy! Who are YOU? Samuel Johnson!! ;>)

About four weeks ago, I visited DD REFORM. I cannot recall my motivation for doing so, but I do recall laughing(perhaps my motivation – I know that is probably a sin your Holiness. Try to go easy on me). It has been a while. I cannot say precisely how long, but at least since before Friday, May 24, 2013, when you posted “Episode IV: A New Beginning”. I presume the title does not refer to the comments, or perhaps you were being Ironic? ;>)


Sisyphus: Thanks for your return!

Stanley: Is Vladimir Putin as good of a badminton player as they say?

Karen: Please understand that Ange and I have an understanding about who gets to hold Stanley down and who gets to poke him with a stick. I believe there is an opening as Master of Derision, and the Prevaricator position may be available. However, both positions require heavy consumption of mead. So, those positions may have been cut. Ask Doug.

Ange: you never responded to my email Be-O&^%!!

As for myself, I have been mediating discussions between Westboro Baptist Church and the Keebler Elves. Not as contentious as discussions within California’s DD blue bloods but it pays better, plus I get to keep as much hate and cookies as I can carry.

I look forward to reading what passes through the mind of the Executive Director of Imagine.


k. riggs gardner said...

Whoa! Congratulations on your new position as Executive Director of Imagine SLS! Is there more to the first series about extra awareness?

Paul: Sorry for late (about four weeks) reply. Doug said both the Master of Derision and Prevaricator are volunteer positions.

Who is Ange?

Doug The Una said...

Paul, what passes through the mind of an executive director is never more constructive than when it is a spear.

Karen, thank you. I don't know who Ange is, but someone Paul trades off tickling Stanley.

I actually really mean to restart. We got a little off course the last couple weeks due to events too solemn for policy.