Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ICBM outgoing

Last week, I received a copy of the draft of 10 guiding principles for the new Individual Choice Budget Model. A few things I'd note. The first is that after several months there is a draft version of 10 guiding principles for the new Individual Choice Budget Model. That right there is discouraging. The second is that the 10 principles look so thoroughly rhetorical. Protect safety, ensure choice, save the state money. Good ideas, all, and I offer this blog as a pretty good proxy for what five years of work along these lines will probably look like.

The rub is you can't really root against them because there are clients and vendors being held hostage until the ICBM is certified by the Director of DDS to have been implemented and to be saving the state money. My modest proposal, submit this blog as the complete implementation of the model and certify that you're saving money by canceling the development.


Anonymous said...

what are the guidling principals? Can you post?

Doug The Una said...

Sure, although I don't have it with me so I'll try to remember to post them tomorrow.

That said, I think if there are 10 guiding principles it doesn't much matter what they are. It's like having 10 priorities or a shared privilege- etymologically impossible and practically discouraging.