Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rushing Reform

According to my good friend, Marty Omoto, Republicans in the California Legislature, while auditioning for hell, have argued that the state budget crisis should be resolved through "cuts and reforms."  I have argued here consistently that reform would likely benefit both the system and the budget.  I have also complained about the fact that legislators seek to cut the budget without streamlining the system.  So I should be happy.

But this blog is filled with what I mean by reform.  What the legislators mean, in this case, is making cuts and crossing your fingers.  That's the opposite of reform.  It is, in fact, the status quo, everyone too rushed to think about what they're doing and why and whether they should. So, by all means, lets get to reform.  But fix the budget crisis first.

As to the aforementioned Brer Omoto, a fundraiser will be held December 15 to raise money for CDCAN.  Information on how to contribute can be found clicking here.  Marty and CDCAN have done more to democratize and link information and advocacy than any other person/organization and represent a crucial ingredient in any smart reform.


Ariel the Thief said...

That sounds very similar to how our own government works with the difference that they did do some destroying in the name of reform, like closing a 140 years old psychiatric hospital and let the patients go free.

You won't go for anything worse than god friends, huh?

Doug The Una said...

Yeah, it's pretty much all origami. Thank you for editing.