I may be, as a social services chief executive, a member of a despised class rightly suspected of promoting unaccountable, dishonorable and inefficient expenditures.
I may be, as an advocate, a typical charlatan using blubbery words to ask my neighbors to place my interests above their own.
I may be, as a blogger, the tea-totaling equivalent of that obnoxious souse at the bar holding forth on matters beyond his ken as if an alcoholic haze were a worthy substitute for any actual knowledge.
I may be scandalous, stupid and self-important, lazy, long-winded and loveless but I am not a California legislator, Alhamdulillah!
The opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to demonstrate their commitment to principles has passed and it passed with no creditable gestures toward principle.
The opportunity to hammer out a smarter, leaner or more compassionate and just budget passed with no apparent fervor for smartness, leanness, compassion or social justice.
It is time for the legislators to stop pointing at one another. It is time to vote for a flawed, inefficient, stupid budget because this year's budget has gestated too long not to resemble its parents.
P.S. The above was provoked by an email sent by State Senator Dutton to supporters sharing Pete Wilson's criticism of Schwarzenegger's budget plan. In all likelihood, all of his colleagues in both houses are sending similarly sanctimonious and second-hand commentary to supporters (more and more loosely defined.) As a supporter, I wanted to explain the following:
Drug dealers may be predators, but they perform.
Government contractors may be parasites, but they are humble.
Undocumented workers may be illegal, but they do what they are paid to do.
People with severe enough disabilities may not be as economically productive as their non-disabled peers, but many accept wages in consideration of output.
In short, there is nobody in this state that any member of our legislature might wish to punish, prosecute or patronize who is not a better public servant until a budget is presented the governor. Until then, criticize no one.
what doug say: very much to the issue...weigh and consider oh ye Scribes and Pharisees...ye legislators.
Psalms 57:6 ...my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.
psalms out of context...but not as far out as the read my lips bureaucratic bs substituted for solutions, to get us out of the budget pit...bureaucratic bs (eg, cheap license plates) dug us into...
stanley seigler
I can count all my bones, people stare and gloat over me. -Psalm 22:17
I’m sorry, Mr. Seigler, you completely bought out my stock of pins when you came by yesterday. Frankly, I’m astonished there’s any room left on the doll in which to put them. Hmmmm, well that’s interesting . . . so by sharpening the points with a nail file, you’re actually able to get more pins in? Remarkable! No, I don't think it makes the pain any sharper.
Anyway, I expect a new shipment any day now . . . no, no, no, please don’t . . . I mean, no need to come in, I’ll Fed Ex them to you . . .. oh, that’s right, I forgot. Okay, I’ll call you the moment they arrive. Really . . . I promise. You know, the dolls aren’t meant for everyday annoyances. Oh, yes, of course . . . I’m sure he had it coming . . . I’m still surprised you were able to find a such a tiny Fed Ex uniform.
Oh my, look at the time . . . well, ummm . . . well yes, we just started closing at 12:47 . . . . business seems to fall off completely after lunch. Yes, I know you have . . . but there really is very little profit margin on the pins.
Alright-good-to-see-you-bye-bye . . . . ohhhhhh, ummmm, okay! But I’m really in quite a rush . . . This is your Life Line. It is very, very long . . . and very, very narrow. Running parallel is your Fame Line, which forks here . . . indicating social recognition of dubious value.
What? Where? I still don’t see it . . . oh, yes, there . . . at the base of your thumb. It’s barely visible. That’s your Influence Line. It ends almost immediately after it starts . . . Hey, look! . . . I’ve got nothing to do with it . . . I’m just reading what’s there . . . or not there. Hey, cool it! I didn’t create you! Take it up with God! . . . NO! I don’t have a doll of him . . . or her, or whatever! Stick to State officials, and that Paul guy . . .now, GOODBYE!
A Psalm Reader
“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
so there must be a DD System Reform idea/issue somewhere in andy said post...or at least an event re the budget...ie, there must be a pony in a pile of manure...OTOH;
perhaps andy felt it more important (for reasons unknown) to stare and gloat over mr seigler than address DD System Reform issues...seems stare/gloat posts more appropriate on pauls stanleyflaws blog.
stick stones
Mr. Seigler said: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Although I cannot be certain, I believe this quote was put forth in an attempt to disparage not only the quality of my mind, but its quantity as well.
In defense of my mind, I offer three counter quotes. Together they should silence any further rebukes from the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Snarkypants (i.e. Stanley and Eleanor) . . .
”I always disliked him . . . at a dinner I attended he acted like a stinker.”
---- Eleanor Roosevelt discussing people (Winston Churchill)
”His crime goes well beyond his treason”
--- Friedrich Nietzsche discussing events (The Dreyfus Affair)
”Altoids are indispensible. However, I think the best idea is to pretend you don’t speak English. Thus, they can’t possibly expect you to recite the alphabet.”
--- Me discussing ideas (on field sobriety tests)
Need I quote more?
. . . and now, a brief dalliance with the topic.
Douglas, am I to believe that you expected--no, of course not---hoped for something other than this perfunctory annual farce? Its only difference is its duration . . . which, I think, had to be expected, given the dire need for action and reform. Duration is always related to need.
I will scream if anyone starts to bemoan “the lack of leadership”. It does not, will not, cannot exist in our government. We have little more than the brightly-colored bunting and balloons of a democracy . . . our cherished, illusory label for a political system perfectly designed for stalemate. It is a stupid, common, cruel dance marathon. Expect it to go on and on and on . . . long after this year’s budget drops to the floor.
And no matter who promises “change”, expect none of that.
Andrew said...Mr. Seigler said: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." (Eleanor Roosevelt) Although I cannot be certain, I believe this quote was put forth in an attempt to disparage not only the quality of my mind, but its quantity as well.
disparage not only the quality of my mind, but its quantity as well...wrong on both counts...quote an attempt to get quality and quantity of a great mind back to the issues vice wasting it on all too cute, pointless, putdown, crap re mr seigler...Andrews insights just might make a difference for a few with special needs...why waste it discussing a narrow life with no influence and dubious social recognition value.
people, events, ideas
Andrew say: I always disliked him...at a dinner I attended he acted like a stinker...Eleanor Roosevelt discussing people (Winston Churchill)
The compassionate Miss Eleanor is allowed a one liner without disparaging her great mind...further public figures are issues and Franklin and Winston provide a fairer opine of Elenors WC position.
Andrew say: His crime goes well beyond his treason...Nietzsche discussing events (The Dreyfus Affair)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: But why are you blushing? Did I say something unspeakable? Did I slander you when I meant to bless you?
Andrew say: Altoids are indispensible. However, I think the best idea is to pretend you don’t speak English. Thus, they can’t possibly expect you to recite the alphabet. Me discussing ideas (on field sobriety tests)
Wow and my gawd...finally an issue/idea...hope springs we will soon return to THE ISSUE of this blog: DD System Reform.
Re sobriety tests idea...while drinking practice touching nose with index finger...you can really get good at it (rednecks have a problem they tend to pick)...ditto walking a straight line one foot in front of the other.
stanley seigler
ps. the lack of leadership
Andrew say: I will scream if anyone starts to bemoan “the lack of leadership”. It does not, will not, cannot exist in our government
SCREAM it might help...maybe MLK will hear...butbut
It can exist, at least, to a much larger degree that now exists if we demand accountability (anything an improvement over status quo good job brownie accountability)...vice accepting the annual farce re budget and daily farce re enforcement of Lanterman...leaders are not doing a heck of a job...however;
it will continue to be a stupid, common, cruel annual/daily dance marathon as long as we rationalize leaders are doing their jobs...not doing what they are paid to do...and accepting benign neglect as good enough.
a first step to change the annual budget dance, CA voters should demand the law be changed to allow a simple majority vote to approve budget...it may result in a flawed, inefficient, stupid budget...like we have now after months of bs...but;
it would be passed on time, thus eliminating the time/energy now wasted on silly games (electing these idiots doesnt say mich for the voters)...CA is one of only three states to have the two thirds requirement...as you may have heard;
a first step in enforcing Lanterman vice perpetuating the Lanterman farce...demand DDS and other agencies (eg, ABs, SCDD, PAI) carry out their mandates...demand accountability.
A start, eg just ask DDS why don’t they submit a budget based on needs...ie, ask hard questions and demand answers...do not accept rationalizations...might follow up with (as required by law) has DDS taken ALL necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services and supports to consumers and their families. (4434 b)
stanley seigler
They say that the world has no Heroes.
They are wrong!
I am a Hero
My street name, mentioned twice within a thread for which I have not contributed, can be nothing less than a Signal, a Lantern, flashing in the sky before me, and beckoning my assistance! Like Batman responding to the Batsignal I will honor it as such and except my charge. But what form shall my Herohoodishness take?
By day I shall be the mild mannered owner of the “community” [Latin for Borders] day program Potemkin Village People First, by night I shall be the Green LanternMan.
I will soon be interviewing for my cavalier sidekick Pogo, the introspective finger pointer with the sublime buttbutt. He will guide my efforts. By day Pogo shall be a mild mannered preserver of petroglyphs and pictographs from Needles California. By night he is..well..Pogo.
Heroes are always misunderstood, and as a hero myself I can say that this is true. It is the Hero’s job, secondary to nothing, to be the voodoo doll if it soothes the diaper rash of those I owe a fiduciary duty.
I was once wounded when accused of condoning darkness because I mentioned that the sun gives me a headache and makes me sneeze. I tried to protest this fallacy but discovered that reasoning and thought were not “THE ISSUES”
I was once wounded when accused of defending murder because I did not believe in a second shooter. I tried to point out the lack of fairness but was told that fairness, or lack of it, is a “personality flaw” and is not “THE ISSUE”
I was wounded on the day I was accused of refusing to hold Brownie accountability because I thought that Violet was the biggest troublemaker in the rainbow. I tried to explain that there was a misunderstanding. My comments about Violet say nothing about my opinion about Brownie (although I think Red has his hands full with RN Ratched). However, once again I was informed that misunderstandings, prevarications, and indiscriminate curmudeonly finger pointing was not “THE ISSUE”
Now I understand, and I can no longer be wounded.
I must also confess that I am pleased that my “personal flaws” have not been banished from the list of potential issues permitted by der Issue Kommissar. I was truly worried that “nuff bout paul and stanley” truly meant “nuff bout paul and stanley”. I am thankful that it only means nuff bout stanley
I now understand the rules as it pertains me: catching pooh is ok, while flinging pooh is not.
Stanley my liege, I am here to serve. I accept my role as your Hero, pooh catcher, and will do my part in the Greek tragedy playing out before my eyes.
Once I finalize costume ideas I will order a smaller version and send it to the Blogocider for its inception into Stanfoolery and needle work. Is UPS still OK?
The LanternMan Super computer tells me that the influence line does not end; you must flip the hand over to discover the negative influence line. The influence line on the palm has been worn clean from too many rendezvous with DDRIGHTS most influential Member.
However I, like Komissar Stanlin, prefer the issue of “DD System Reform”. By example, Stanlin has a long history of cogent donations to this issue. The donations are too long to list here, so I will abbreviate:
1. Keep it Simple Stupid
2. Just follow Lanterman*
3. Everyone Sucks, including me
4. (go to #1)
Surely – Reform can be no more clear!
* WARNING: reading Lanterman not necessary and discouraged. Any questions about interpretation will be resolved by quotes from Kennedy, Eleanor, MLK, or a founding brother selected at random.
“The opportunity to hammer out… “
Have you noticed that over the last several years we have “hammered out..” a budget that actually shrinks our opportunitu to hammer out one in the future? What I mean is this…
As we shift more and more to federal funding as an answer to our budget we become more and more enslaved to the whims of federal budget makers. Is this the Sacramento’s fault? Ultimately I would say yes, after all they are the ones that say yeah or nay.
But lets be fair – we do not need to search far to find fantasies and fallacies about unmatched state dollars, waiver, backfill, and outrageous numbers like 1.4 Billion in untapped federal monies. In fact, we do not need to search at all. The advodivas, the advocrates – the politicians are within our own ranks.
How can we not love a person that implies through poignant protestation that we are being short changed 1.4 Billion dollars? We love him or her just as we love the politician that tells us that he or she will cut our taxes and double our entitlements at the same time.
Until we can address our realities Andy words are axiomatic, “It does not, will not, cannot exist in our government.” Until we acknowledge that some of our efforts at home are, “little more than the brightly-colored bunting and balloons of a democracy”
Oh my sigh, re the green-whatever post
some people just don't get the blog topic is DD System Reform...or believe, batman is the DDS director...oror
regardless of topic, have some twisted, unfathomable, ego need to discuss (with selected memory) people vice issues (count bones, stare and gloat) ...also they don't seem to understand “enough about”...butbut;
bless their lil old, too cute, hearts...was there any issue related pony in the manure pile...er mean, green-whatever post...weel;
lo and behold there is a dd system reform issue...ie, a pony named Surely Sarcasm
Surely, reform can be no more clear: 1. Keep it Simple Stupid; 2. Just follow Lanterman*; 3. Everyone Sucks, including me; 4. (go to #1)
perhaps #3 should read “special needs persons and their advocates demand accountability of leaders”...and #2 could read “just obey/follow the law”.
manure pile/post also sarcastically say
Re: WARNING: reading Lanterman not necessary and discouraged. Any questions about interpretation will be resolved by quotes from Kennedy, Eleanor, MLK, or a founding brother selected at random.
In truth, mentioned persons provide excellent insights into Lanterman basic concepts, ie human rights...however, current interpretations are also helpful...perhaps paul would provide interpretation of:
4434b: DDS shall take ALL necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services
emphasis on “ALL necessary actions” appreciated.
stanley seigler
ps. any further discussion on green pile post non issues by stanley may be on DDRights list...tho currently feel it is a stupid waste of time.
Oh my sigh, re the green-whatever post
some people just don't get the blog topic is DD System Reform...or believe, batman is the DDS director...oror
regardless of topic, have some twisted, unfathomable, ego need to discuss (with selected memory) people vice issues (count bones, stare and gloat) ...also they don't seem to understand “enough about”...butbut;
bless their lil old, too cute, hearts...was there any issue related pony in the manure pile...er mean, green-whatever post...weel;
lo and behold there is a dd system reform issue...ie, a pony named Surely Sarcasm
Surely, reform can be no more clear: 1. Keep it Simple Stupid; 2. Just follow Lanterman*; 3. Everyone Sucks, including me; 4. (go to #1)
perhaps #3 should read “special needs persons and their advocates demand accountability of leaders”...and #2 could read “just obey/follow the law”.
manure pile/post also sarcastically say
Re: WARNING: reading Lanterman not necessary and discouraged. Any questions about interpretation will be resolved by quotes from Kennedy, Eleanor, MLK, or a founding brother selected at random.
In truth, mentioned persons provide excellent insights into Lanterman basic concepts, ie human rights...however, current interpretations are also helpful...perhaps paul would provide interpretation of:
4434b: DDS shall take ALL necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services
emphasis on “ALL necessary actions” appreciated.
stanley seigler
ps. any further discussion on green pile post non issues by stanley may be on DDRights list...tho currently feel it is a stupid waste of time.
Busy prepositions.
Always on the go.
Like a bunch of busy bees,
Floating pollen on the breeze.
Buzzing over the medows,
beyond the forrest, through the trees,
into the beehive.
Busy, busy P's.
(in, to, beyond, over, on, through)
Nine or ten of them do most all of the work.
(of, on, to, with, in, from, by, far, at over,
and many others do their job,
which is simply to connect
their noun or pronoun object
to some other word in the sentence.
Busy P's...
If you please.
Meine Leute,
I have fed the sexy dimensions 44, 24, 34 (b) into the Green Lanternman super computer, and it has proven to much for the id circuit.
The computer has answered my question with a question. I now ask my people for help in my quest to answer this question.
The Green Lanterman is required to “take ALL necessary actions to support Pogo to successfully [obey the rules of the olympic games] and [win a gold medal].
Pogo is found to be freebasing cool-aid!! (oh pogo) a violation!!
Is this proof positive that the Green lanteman has NOT taken all necessary action?
Pogo does not earn a gold medal.
Is this proof positive that the Green lanteman has NOT taken all necessary action?
If Pogo is surely not going to win the gold can the Green Lanterman sap him on the head, swap costumes, take his broom, and sweep his rock to victory? Must he?
As soon as my costume is back from the dry cleaner, and Flavo Flav ends I am off. But please – I need your help to find the evil liar of Dr. Interpretation.
[Flashing lights female voice "Working"]
"There are the people who cause problems. There are the people who solve problems. And there are the people who complain about problems."
[Flashing lights female voice "Working"]
"Don’t forget about the people that complain about problems in the name of solving them"
My costume is back, and Flavor Flav has ended with esteemed mama #2 receiving all the necessary support to successfully achieving her goal.
We are charged with taking “all necessary action”, which is really a discovery of what NECESSARY means for we are not permitted to take action that is not necessary, are we?
nec·es·sar·y = adjective, noun, plural -sar·ies.
“being essential, indispensable, or requisite”
Hmmm – what is essential, indispensable, or requisite?
Dang lets put that aside for now, perhaps the answer will lie in the lair of Dr. Interpretation.
Our assignments:
StAndy: what does “to successfully [obey/achieve]” mean, and is it different, betterere, superiorerere, to just plain old achieving, or even better “unsuccessfully” achieving?
I would start your search by finding “circumstances” and compare them to “surrounding circumstances”
You job is to determine what is means to “support”. I would start with first deciding between Bro or Manssiere
Good Luck Team!!
The Super Computer has just reported that Dr. Interpretation is attacking prepositional phrases throughout the metropolis. Apparently, he is stealing away prepositions.
No wonder you are stuck on “all necessary action” without the preposition “to” we cannot have prepositional phrases and cannot form complete sentences. Dr. Interpretation has created a great barrier.
I am on it my Liege.
Good news – I have a few extra prepositions in my LanternMan belt so we can begin our disambiguation..lets see butt,butt, by, along, amid, around...ahh....look tutus...i will wear one tonight "to the dance"...down...during...ah! two tos!!
“to support”
better keep the other "to" in reserve for now...
Green LanternMan; Green LanternMan Super Computer (assume the many faces of paul...paul’s alter egos) cute crap contributes nothing to the issue: DD System Reform...
specifically a better understanding of Lanterman...still yet more specific...interpretation of “take all necessary action”...which hopefully will allow someone to reform the system.
Perhaps the definition of necessary adds something...so DDS is to “take all essential, indispensable, requisite action
Perhaps there is a point in considering what is NOT necessary...as believe one of paul’s egos suggest...soo guess we have: DDS shall not take ALL unnecessary action...
Have no frigging idea what prepositional phrases have to do with DD system Reform...are we discussing grammar 101 or system reform.
so seems it becomes (as always has been) an opine as to whether or not, DDS has taken all essential, indispensable, requisite action and NOT taken all unnecessary action to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services.
Necessary, Unnecessary, definitions, prepositional phrase, grammar 101, crockery...Oh what a tangle web the egos weave when at first they practice to avoid the issue.
stanley seigler
Doug, I apologize for my part in ruining this blog.
I hereby resolve to reduce my cute contributed crap to only what is absolutely compulsive. (Such as the previous sentence).
I resolve to stay on topic to the best of my abilities.
I resolve to stop teasing Mr. Seigler unless or until this self-restraint causes significant physical discomfort or pain. At such times I will tease, bait, or trash only to the point of immediate relief and not beyond.
I ask, but I do not require, that Mr. S, grant me the favor of not over-repeating his points and premises.
I promise that if I do not have anything serious to say I won't say anything at all. I do agree with Stanley that this blog can contribute to a greater good and again, I apologize for hindering this purpose.
“are we discussing grammar 101”
Mr. Siegler
Perhaps that would be a good place to start…
“Stanely shall take ALL necessary actions”
That is quite some authority
“Stanley shall take ALL necessary actions to support paul"“
That is less authority
“Stanley shall take ALL necessary actions to support paul to successfully paint his house
Even less authority
“Stanley shall take ALL necessary actions to support paul to successfully paint his house with the colour green“
Much less authority
I do not know what, “all necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services and supports to consumers and their families.” means. I would need to understand completely “this section”, which I do not, and do not have any desire or need to do so. That is because I am not the one asserting any violation, rather – you are. Therefore, a more appropriate question exists.
What specifically do you think DDS should do, that they have not done, “to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services and supports to consumers and their families.”
“are we discussing grammar 101 or system reform.”
I am well aware that your questions are rhetorical. Even so..
I was responding to your question regarding 4434b and pointing out some important words like to, to, and with.
You often change the subject by asking a question and when people respond to your question you retort that we are off topic
I too will try to follow Andy’s lead…
"perhaps paul would provide interpretation of:
4434b: DDS shall take ALL necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services
emphasis on “ALL necessary actions” appreciated."
Mr. Siegler
andrew say: I ask, but I do not require, that Mr. S, grant me the favor of not over-repeating his points and premises.
not to worry...never more, will you and a-hole friend paul hear any of my points and premises on this blog...you have convinced me of the futility of making any comments...hope this will encourage you, paul and CAL-DD buddies to address issues vice people...at least you will no longer have stanley as an excuse for not addressing the issues.
My comments were made because i believe deeply the root cause of DD system ills is the lack of accountability... and providers, advocates, etal, acceptance of the lack...butbutt:
Where as great minds like andrew and paul put putting down...teasing a narrow life w/ no influence and dubious social recognition value over the greater good...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like andrew and paul would rather show off how cute they are vice addressing issues...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like paul and andrew believe reform begins with a study of grammar 101...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like andrew and paul believe no one is responsible for implementing Lanterman...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like paul and andrew believe good news re system reform is a few extra prepositions (Good news. I have a few extra prepositions)...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like andrew and paul assert they do not understand plain English (all necessary actions to support regional centers to successfully achieve compliance with this section and provide high quality services and supports to consumers and their families)...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like paul and andrew assert there is no violation of the Lanterman Act (I am not the one asserting any violation)...hope no longer springs;
Where as great minds like andrew and paul prove Miss Eleanor wrong that great minds discuss ideas...hope no longer springs;
This is my last post to the blog...will stay tuned for lessons in grammar 101, put downs, teasing and other insights from great minds like paul and andrew.
stanely siegler
I can count all my bones, people stare and gloat over me. Psalm 22:17
I currently can't hope to keep up with all the comments, my apologies, but I have to say, the comic book references are most welcome. Responding to a few points:
Andy, I remember Cornell West explaining once that while he believed in audacious hope he was not optimistic. I have no faith in the legislature's competency nor their commitment, but I do still think they have a job to do. I hope for a functional legislature entirely without optimism.
Stanley, I agree that whatever the chances are for leadership drop significantly when we content ourselves with the cheap substitute.
Paul, your comment about hammering out a budget should be a post here. In fact it will be in a minute.
Well – the first Lanterman Dragon Fly/Will-o-the-Wisp super bug (both hemipteran and hidden microphone – I am such a crafty genius) has just returned from its first mission. The data seems to explain a lot of the tension here!
Location: The Pub of Prestidigitation
(Serving Legerdemain caught fresh daily), Potemkin Village, Wonderland 90210
Andy: I hated those yahoo lists. In fact, I hate any list that ever had a pony.
Stanley: I had a pony.
(The philistines go silent)
Andy: ..Well, I didn't really mean a pony, per se.
Stanley: (Angry) When I was a little boy on DDRIGHTS, we all had ponies. My brother had pony, my cousin had pony, and they all stayed out of the manure pile..So, what's wrong with that?
Andy: Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just merely expressing..
Stanley: He was a beautiful pony! And I loved him.
Andy: Well, I'm sure you did. Who wouldn't love a pony? Who wouldn't love a person that had a pony? Who wouldn’t love the manure pile for that matter?
Stanley: You! You said so!
Andy: No, see, we didn't have ponies. I'm sure at the time on
DDRIGHTS, they were very common. They were probably like looking glasses, and Potemkin villages..
Stanley: That's it! I've had enough! "Screw you guys, I'm going home!
Paul: Please, have your humble pie, everyone. He's a little upset. It's been an emotional day.
(Pogo leaves, everyone looks at Andy)
Andy: I didn't know he had a pony. How was I to know he had a pony? Who figures a Yahoo list-owner is going to have a pony? Do you know what the odds are on that? I mean, in all the Avatars I saw of list-owners on Internet coming into my computer, I never saw one of them sitting on a pony. Why would anybody respond to a blog if they had a pony? Who leaves DDRIGHTS, packed with ponies, to come to a non-pony Blog? It doesn't make sense.. am I wrong?
[1 hour later AFTERMATH]
Andy: I just hope that whole pony incident didn't put a damper on the thread.
Doug: Don't be rediculous. It was a misunderstanding.
Anonymous: Hey, I agree with him. Nobody likes a list with a pony.
Andy: Well, if you ever talk to him, tell him I'm sorry. Paul too. He feels terrible.
Dang, the spy circuit burned out – If this high-tech, high-quality spy equipment starts to act like old school cheap stuff hope no longer springs for the Hero business.
I am sorry – I have failed you all
The Lanterman Super computer has just informed me that our mild manner, avuncular, huggable, and loveable recent departe’ has just become the Evil Dr. Irony, and has joined forces with the Evil Dr. Interpretation.
It does not look good.
I have should have heeded the lessons of Mr. Incredible and his experiences with Buddy Pine (if I had only been kinder), or Obi-Wan Kenobi troubles with Anakin Skywalker (had Obi-Wan paid one more complement, taken Anakin for some Cotton Candy, or maybe a Binky for Christmas).
Just like when Allen Greenspan single-handedly cause our mortgage I have lead our buddy to the dark side.
I do not fear any real damage. Apparently he is busy creating cyber propaganda and sharing it with his inner sanctum.
I am only worried that he may seriously hurt himself while mixing metaphors in his lair.
I hope not.
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