The next important concept in a lean agency is making value flow to the client. Basically, this means the identification and elimination of barriers, delays, redundancies and any other waste. Beginning from the customer's perspective, the parties closest to the client examine all that they do and need in order to create value for the consumer. Are any steps taken unhelpful or counterproductive. If so those steps should be eliminated, unless they are required by compliance. In that case effort should be allocated towards changing the requirement.
The next step repeats the previous one with a new customer. Now, instead of the consumer, the direct care worker (DSP) is the customer and those who provide resources to the DSP evaluate their activities, eliminating any waste of time, treasure, effort or energy along the way to providing the DSP what he or she needs to provide value to the client. As above, some waste will be immediately correctible and some will be in service of robust statute, policy or regulation. Either way, that waste (called Type II waste) is as bad as the correctible (Type I) waste.
To make an agency lean, these step should be followed not only for the entire heirarchy at the agency, but as far back in the Value Stream as can be observed. At each step, the purpose is to eliminate wasted functions. As the process goes on, it will be mapped in terms of tasks, not jobs. At each step, the influences causing Type II waste should be recorded for the purpose of advocacy.
When this process is complete, all the Type I waste should be eliminated and value will flow more quickly and efficiently from the finding source to the client. It should be noted that in this system, real leanness will have to change regional centers and DDS as well as vendored agencies.
Here's an opinion. I suspect this system has an absurd amount of waste and that a ridiculous amount of it is of Type II.
*****Second section
I received Spam as soon as I initially posted this. I don't like spam but haven't taken precautions against it because one option eliminates anonymous posting (although it allows a person to take a name not their own) and the other includes a verifier which could be hard for people with disabilities. How would you, dear readers feel about a requirement that you identify yourselves (as anyone or anything) in order to make a comment?
Whatever you need to do to accomplish intended purpose of this thread on this blog continuing by protecting us against "online taggers" is welcomed.
The opinions and dialogue need to continue for special needs populations supports and "service delivery"(did I just discover an oxymoron in the system?)
People for Improved Client Supports(PICS)
Thanks research dad. I'll probably go with disallowing anonymous comments and put up instructions on how to stay private.
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