Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bouncing baby blog


Happy first birthday, little Developmental Disability System Reform. You're number one on Google and number one in our hearts. Back to the mine!


Anonymous said...

Tell us more about the dog.

Anonymous said...

tell us more about the dog.

Doug The Una said...

The dog is a disability rights advocate who used to do the 5k walk for autism. His name is Willie. His head is purebred Beagle, but his body is pedigree blue heeler. We met in Macon, Georgia and he adopted me soon after when I happened to have a t-bone.

Excellent question!

Doug The Una said...

This is his sister, Walela (Click on her name)

dom said...

Happy 1st Birthday Doug & your blog...doesn't time fly!?!

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Dom. Nice to see you over here. By the way, your link to the breastcancer charity finds the site but there's an error message between me and whatever I'm supposed to do. Can you email me a link?

gulnaz said...

happy b'day! :)

Karama said...

Happy anniversary!! Great work here!

Doug The Una said...

Gulnaz! So nice to see you over here, thanks for the wish.

Karama, thank you for your kind words and also for the wish.

It's been a fun project, and probably good for my cariac health.

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, pure mood. You are too chipper to be taken as rude.

Anonymous said...

Gov and Legis just passed budget (late pm 7/5/05)this evening and talk of all things Self Determined(like that better than "directed" as denotes thought vs. pointing or annointing) seems to have been embedded in the distraction of the importance of budgeting.......
With a new FY and $3 billion more allocated for intended use by DD individuals in California.......I know of no parents whose childrens' service have not been cut, while increses were made to RC budget and salaries.
Where goes the existing system as it watches/fears the few who may do SD?
There is some "outside the system" grass roots organizing that will watch what goes on within the system, while demanding change of attitudes towards developmentally disabled..... family members of the DD in the 7 LA County RCs will be creating their own form of services via NGOAL advocacy.

Keep posted.
The New Year is upon us.

Doug The Una said...

Anonymous, thanks for your post. As things develop, I hope you'll keep me/us posted on NGOAL, I'd like to know more. I'm getting ready for a big series here. Once things slow down, I should be able to get this silly birthday post off the top.

Jean said...

Thanks so much....You rock! Happy birthday.

S A J Shirazi said...

You said it so nicely.

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, JC and Shirazi!