Email sent 3/25:
Due to the inspired (yet stern) leadership of Tammy Bachrach, ELARC VAC chair, we spent the bulk of our meeting yesterday divided into tables based on the workgroups. The ILS/SLS group recognized that the legislature has changed their focus from service standards to "best practices," so we allowed ourselves the liberty of focus on cost-saving practices around ILS and SLS. Following are suggestions from the group.For ILS: It was suggested that we might get more realistic service plans if, when a referral is made for a new ILS client, that in addition to the agencies referred to serve the client, a different ILS agency be referred the task of writing the initial assessment. The suggestion recognizes that when an agency writes its own initial assessment, even the honest and wise among us have a natural bias towards overestimating the need (although probably not by a lot, demagogues.) The assessing agency would have to agree not to work with the assessed client for at least a year.There are some down-sides to this to be concerned with. One is just that regional centers might prefer agencies that write emaciated service plans. It would be important that the assessing agencies also be serving ILS clients and that the assessor rotate. Also, in areas where there is only one or two ILS providers this arrangement will not be possible. An objection from the group was that the assessment serves an important function of developing a mutual understanding between a new vendor and a new client.All of that said, I think the idea has merit and should be discussed.For SLS: There were two suggestions. Unlike the ILS suggestion, these had unanimous support in our discussion group.1. It was felt that benefit appeals specialist (particularly, but not exclusively regarding IHSS) may be more efficient than some agencies at insuring that IHSS hours are covered by IHSS rather than the regional center or an agency. The proposal is that regional centers cultivate these advocates and vendors that choose this assistance would surrender a portion of their administrative funding proportional to their expected benefit management cost.2. If somebody could, for heaven's sake, do something about worker's compensation costs for SLS providers, those providers would be thrilled to surrender a like amount of their hourly rate.
Email sent 3/27:
Hi, all. Me again. FIrst, to commend Scott. I think that was a nice job. The only exception I'd take is that some level of skill-development service ought to be available to clients living with family do not intend to change their home setting immediately. Whether that service is provided under the myth of Adaptive Skills Training rather than the myth of Independent Living Skills, makes no difference I can see.Something that has been on my mind which is related to the topic at least: (The following is written in a prophetic voice, by which I mean I hope to be heard but don't really expect to be listened to, a la Jonah in Ninevah)A lean system has to be a smart system and our system is never less smart than when it is focused on some sort of reform having to do with vendor codes and categories. Regional Center staff, forced by the nature of the regional center's role to make policy with a minimum of information and a maximum of effect, tend towards involuntary glibness and in my experience lose what concentration and permeability they otherwise retain when the topic of vendor codes is on the table.Likewise, vendor executives, already prone to priestly grandeur and martyrdom (cf, this email,) are never more divisive, sanctimonious and grasping as when we contest our vendor codes (excepting, of course, when unions sponsor bills.)To direct care staff and clients, vendor codes represent less than nothing. I don't believe anyone who will be in the room Monday would be able, watching individualized support delivered, to identify the vendor code under which delivery takes place. Either services are led by the client and his or her needs and abilities under the influence of a circle of support or not. If so, the service itself is probably efficient, whether or not the referral process or agency supervision, for example, are. If not, it's wasteful of taxpayer money and negligent of the value clients have the right to expect. I believe that any discussion of reform that focuses on category or code is likewise wasteful of scarce funding and negligent of important support.So my concern with the work of our group is that it represents a deepening of our reliance on irrelevancies and distractions in defining the value we deliver and setting its price; and steps further away from efficiency and smartness in our system. The legislature has opened an opportunity to be brighter by changing the administration's proposal of "purchase of service standards" to a proposal of "best practices." Granted, that was a bad use of nomenclature but an improvement in focus. I do hope we can take advantage of this. As I said, I don't mean to change the agenda, but I would point out that most of the work we've accomplished so far has been the delivery of data and instructions from DDS and the return of criticism. I don't think much achievement will have been undone if we change our focus.There is work to be done in how and why clients are assigned for agencies and services, work to be done on how vendors deliver that service. Granted that our services must always be individualized, it isn't necessarily the case that all regional centers and vendors need all of their processes to be idiosyncratic for that purpose. There must be opportunities for service delivery to become leaner which would lead us in a better and smarter direction than a discussion of standard hours or normal eligibility. Since by any name we are really talking about budget cuts, I would hope those cuts could be as much as possible to process rather than to support.In sincere friendship and admiration (but with a pinch of sarcasm by which old friends recognize me,)DougMay God bless and keep you, make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. Amen.