The following is my first ever attempt to opine on good manners but, clearly, we need a new post up and this is what I got.
Brother Doug's Behavioral Tip for DDS:
When Regional Centers are wrong, be strong. In the past, Regional Centers have acted variously with regard to the need to cut costs. Some have been consultative and careful. Others have behaved as stupidly, precipitously and imperiously as a rabid whippet in a fox' den. On those occasions, DDS (as well as Disability Rights California) have been worse than useful so far as I can tell. I can only assume DDS allows regional centers their heads (wooden and otherwise) based on the idea that nobody comes willingly to cuts and other stakeholders will be fractious and unwilling in any case. I think this is a mistake.
When Westside Regional Center came out with their (dismal) expenditure plan years ago, many of the elements were clearly in violation of trailer bill language. Nonetheless, DDS was publicly supportive and despite that support, the community was fractious and rebellious and it took months for any POS behavior to change. As a counter-example, San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center got upstream of some cuts by making them collaboratively in a forward looking way. Of course there are some yet to make, but I would wager that by working with the community, some spending reductions are already realizing savings and have done so since May without much rebellion and, so far as I am aware, any needless loss of life and welfare (as I was sorry to witness when FDLRC made it's expenditure plan without resistance.) Any strength DDS shows in preventing regional centers from too much expedition is likely to be rewarded with client welfare and more savings.
Dom Douglas's Tips for Regional Centers: Get in the habit of respecting the rights of clients and what wisdom there is in vendors and family members. As above (and in the post below) the imperious, expeditious management style is likely to be expensive, inefficient and produce needlessly sorrowful outcomes. I know most if not all of you think that all clients and vendors do with cuts is complain and resist. As a vendor and a family member, I would that we're only bumptious when laws that don't exist are given as reasons for things we hope to avoid. Generally, the community understands why there are cuts but we want them implemented as thoughtfully as possible. Most regional centers have never tested experimentally what would happen if a collaborative, person-centered approach were taken. Most other stakeholders have an evidence basis to doubt that pushy regional centers will do much well or right. Now is a good time to learn collaboration together.
Cousin Doug's epistle to other regional center vendors: To the degree that Regional Centers will work with us, the clients will listen to us and the DDS will defend, act also in good faith. It is not our place to provoke clients and antagonize service coordinators who have reached a mutually successful agreement. Those clients who need our help defending needed supports continue to have the right to a fair hearing. We will make much better advocates for those clients that need defending if we don't try to create clients who want defending. It will be harder for our detractors to accuse us of refusing to give up units of service if we show discretion and good taste. This year will stink financially for direct care providers and their bosses more than anyone else in the system, but the system doesn't owe us a living, either.
Ole' Doug's advice to clients and their families: Understand that everyone supporting you is under stress. This doesn't require apology, gratitude or certainly not the stifling of grievances (we need grievances expressed now more than ever.) But remember that however foolish, selfish, useless, youthful, greedy, controlling or impenetrable the professionals around you might be by nature, there are forces pressing us to be worse. If our behavior were personal, it would be much better.
To my friends in the chamber of commerce: Ironically, the most expensive ways we do things tend to be the least integrative of people into the community. The best ways we can implement our budget cuts for fiscal purposes and/or to preserve the value of the system will be for you all to see more of us. Take this opportunity to make new friends, employees and customers.